Questions with ‘when’ in Hindi

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questions with 'when' in Hindi

Questions with ‘when’ in Hindi

‘When’ is a part of ‘Wh-Questions‘.

Let us look at questions with ‘when’ in Hindi.

‘When will you come’ meaning in Hindi

Hindi translation – आप कब आओगें ?

English sentences:

  1. It’s already late. When will you come?
  2. When will you come for the lecture?

‘When are you free’ meaning in Hindi

Hindi translation – आप कब फ्री हैं ?

English sentences:

  1. We need to do the project. When are you free?
  2. When are you free? Shall we study in the evening?

‘When are you coming’ meaning in Hindi

Hindi translation – आप कब आ रहे हैं ?

English sentences:

  1. When are you coming? the movie starts within 15 minutes!
  2. When are you coming? We need to leave for the airport!

‘When is your birthday’ meaning in Hindi

Hindi translation – आपका जन्मदिन कब है ?

English sentences:

  1. Hey, I need to know your zodiac sign…When is your birthday?
  2. Hey, when is your birthday?

‘When I call you’ meaning in Hindi

Hindi translation – में तुमको फोन कब करुँगा ?

English sentences:

  1. Hey, when I can call you? Are you free today evening?
  2. I hope when I call you, you will pick my call.

‘When you will come’ meaning in Hindi

Hindi translation – तुम कब आओगे ?

English sentences:

  1. When you will come, I will tell you something.
  2. You will receive it only when you will come.

‘When are you born’ meaning in Hindi

Hindi translation – आप कब पैदा हुए थे ?

English sentences:

  1. Please tell me when are you born. I need it for the record.
  2. Since our birthdays are in the same month, when are you born?

‘When I see you’ meaning in Hindi

Hindi translation – जब मैं आपसे मिलूँगा

English sentences:

  1. I hand you your parcel when I see you.
  2. I gift you your favorite thing when I see you.

‘When we will meet’ meaning in Hindi

Hindi translation – हम कब मिलेंगे ?

English sentences:

  1. Its been a long time, when we will meet?
  2. When we will meet to discuss the project? xvideoservicethief os linux download iso windows xp gratis

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