Top 5 online English courses/classes

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Top 5 online English courses/classes

The English language is termed to be the most spoken language in the world and it is the most popular choice for learning a second language. English is essentially used if an individual wants to travel, study or work abroad. We bring you the top 5 online English courses to make your learning better and easy.

Well, you might ask what is the best way to learn English? The best resources you could find to study English are online and have free access. All you have to do is get your hands on them and practice as much as you can. Online English courses is one of them!

Obviously, you are choosing to learn English to expand your horizons and see more of the world. English is the most common language in the world and over 2 billion people can speak English.

You have the liberty to speak English through online sources and you can even use them on a variety of occasions like traveling abroad, studying abroad (preparing for IELTS, TOEFL, etc.), getting a job, enjoying English movies, books, and YouTube videos and much more.

Top five free online English courses:

ENGLISH CLASS 101: Over here, a learner can find lessons that are made for all levels of skills that consist of lessons for beginners too. You may not receive all the episodes for free, but you may find several free lessons at every level. You can invest in the paid version if it is fitting your style of learning! You can have the access to the content of the website if you are going for a premium membership.

MOOEC: MOOEC is made for a learner who is at the beginning stage, intermediate stage, and advanced English learning stage. It is totally free of cost. This website consists of four categories of short classes which include speaking, writing, reading, and listening. It is specially designed for English learning. MOOEC is an Australian-based website and it is definitely worth a shot if you have a little chance to make the most out of English learning.

FUTURE LEARN: Beginners, intermediate, Business English, and academic English learners can make the best out of Future Learn. You have the freedom to leave your comments in the comments section and you will also receive good replies on your comments. If you want to speak fluent English at your workplace, then “English for the workplace” is highly recommended. This course consists of both short-term and long-term programs. You can opt for any program you prefer.

EDX: Learners on the intermediate level and above can make the best out of EDX. Some of its courses are free of cost. EDX is created by top-class learning institutions like MIT and Howard. Edx hosts various online university-level courses. EDX will give you an opportunity to learn different levels of English courses. Not all courses offered by EDX are free but it is still way cheaper than going for most courses in the college.

Udemy: Udemy is suited for all levels and some courses are available for free of cost. Udemy is an all-dimensional online platform to learn where you can definitely learn English. Since not all courses are offered for free, so you have to be careful when choosing a course. Primarily, Udemy uses video lectures.