A conversation about learning English through English songs

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A conversation about learning English through English songs

Overview: In the given post, let us look at a conversation that tells you how to learn English through English songs. Pretty interesting, right?

It becomes boring and difficult to learn English through books and just books. Well then, why not shift to the exciting part of learning English yet getting yourself entertained?

So let us just hop on to this conversation and see how you can learn English just through English songs!

Person 1: Hey, now that we have spent quite a long time just learning English through books, I’m very much tired of learning English only through books!

Person 2: Then haven’t you switched to the more interesting way of learning English?

Person 1: What’s that?

Person 2: Don’t you really know?

Person 1: What do I not know?

Person 2: You can learn English through English songs and English movies!

Person 1: And how do you do that?

Person 2: While watching movies or listening to songs, I switch on the subtitles! With this, I understand every word that is being said and I understand the whole concept!

Person 1: This is amazing, I will go home today and try learning in this way! If it has helped you then it will definitely help me too!

Person 2: Yes, I mean there is no harm in trying to learn in the way you love!


  • ‘What’s’ – The word ‘what’s’ is a combination of ‘what’ and ‘is’
  • Haven’t‘ – ‘The word ‘haven’t’ is a combination of ‘have’ and ‘not’.

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