Overview: Here is a conversation between two friends in English about global warming. We are very well aware of the drastic changes in climate conditions – this is a result of global warming.
Conversation between two friends in English about global warming
Friend 1: Where have you been? I was looking out for you.
Friend 2: I was at the grocery store. It’s very hot outside today and it is cloudy too. I don’t understand what is happening.
Friend 1: It is just the impacts of global warming doing its thing. Did you know that many places are witnessing earthquakes, and storms, and the global temperature is rising? It is summer and there is a rain shower in a few places.
Friend 2: How did you come to know about this?
Friend 1: I saw it on the news today. The weather patterns are changing. The images were terrifying. People are losing their families, their houses..
Friend 2: The situation has worsened now but we still do have a chance to come together and fight this global warming together. We have many generations to come in the future. If this is the situation now, what will happen in the future?
Friend 1: We are already living in concrete jungles, the heat is rising day by day, and there is less rainfall and abrupt disasters!
Friend 2: There are many organizations that say they are working towards a better tomorrow, but hardly we are seeing a difference.
Friend 1: In fact, the situation is going from bad to worse now.
Friend 2: I was thinking let us create a petition and spread it on social media about global warming awareness. What do you say?
Friend 1: Absolutely. It has to start from somewhere. So let us begin the chain!
‘Impact’ – The word ‘effect’ can also be used instead of impact.
‘Concrete jungles’ – Concrete jungle is a term used for ‘buildings’
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