General conversation between parents at the park

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general conversation

General conversation between parents at the park

General Conversations are very common to happen between parents at the park. Be it about their kids or their toys or their food and it’s a whole new world when parents talk about their kids!

Parent 1: Hey, let me tell you, you have a very cute kid!

Parent 2: Ohh, thank you so much! You have an amazing kid too! Actually, I have been watching your kid for a while and I couldn’t take my eyes off of him!

Parent 1: Thank you so much. What is his name?

Parent 2: His name is Kevin. An what’s the name of your kid?

Parent 1: Ohh, his name is Jade.

Parent 2: That’s an amazingly unique name!

Parent 1: It was his father’s choice to go with this name.

Parent 2: That’s beautiful.

Parent 1: Actually my child has been very cranky these days.

Parent 2: Oh, why so? 

Parent 1: He gets random stomach aches.

Parent 2: Oh my God! So, did you consult a doctor for him?

Parent 1: Yes, we did and the doc has prescribed some medications for him. I’ve taken him to this park so that he can relax and play for a while. I’ve been bringing him here for the past week.

Parent 2: I wish that he gets well soon. He’s a happy kid.

Parent 1: Yea, I’ll see you sometime, my husband is calling me right now.

Parent 2: Yes, yes absolutely. I’ll see you too!

Parent 1: Bye-bye