Overview: A small conversation keeps happening between government officials all the time and especially when the country is going through a pandemic that has taken an end number of lives.
The below given small conversation is an example of the situation mentioned above.
Please note that the conversation is fictional and it does not relate to any existing government officials.
Official 1: Sir, with the recent data and statistics of the country, I think that the Covid-19 cases are rising exponentially.
Official 2: Yes, I have been looking at those statistics.
Official 1: So, do you think that we must let the country go through another lockdown and impose curbs on highlighted places?
Official 2: No, I don’t think that lockdown is needed now. I think we will have to be more clear and strict with the ones who are not adhering to the guidelines and are careless and are not following proper protocols.
Official 1: So, what do you think that should be done to make it stricter?
Official 2: Impose penalties for the ones who are found not wearing masks and not following social distance. Make sure that there is no gathering for weddings, functions and things like that.
Official 1: Okay, and anything more that needs to be taken care of?
Official 2: Yes, make sure that the penalties go up to 2,000 if anyone is found violating the norms.
Official 1: Noted sir!