Conversation between two friends about lockdown

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Conversation between two friends about lockdown

Overview: This is a conversation between two friends about lockdown. Online meetings have not been so joyful as offline meetings when it comes to meeting friends and talking and playing and what not! However draining this pandemic has been, these two friends are talking about how the times are changing now and how everyone is getting vaccinated!

Friend 1: It’s been quite a long time since the pandemic began. What do you think?

Friend 2: Yea, it’s been 2 years now. But the good part is that the cases are dropping now as the people are taking precautions and are getting vaccinated.

Friend 1:  I agree with this point. But, it was huge chaos before. People started hoarding essential products and it was a situation of panic throughout the globe.

Friend 2: Very true. In a way, life became boring by just sitting in the house as everything went online right from work and education. 

Friend 1: Online education is not so thrilling and exciting as offline classes. You get to meet your friends then get the actual experience of classes.

Friend 2: We could not get to enjoy our last two years of college with no farewell and nothing of that sort.

Friend 1: Now the situation is going back to normal and it feels so good. There will come a time in a few months where we will not have to wear a mask and carry sanitizers everywhere.

Friend 2: Yes, people are eagerly waiting for that moment for things to get back to normal

Friend 1: hey, by the way, have you been vaccinated?

Friend 2: yes, I have completed both doses. And you?

Friend 1: I have completed my first dose and the second dose will be done next month.

Friend 2: It is so important to get vaccinated. Things will get easier with vaccinations.

Friend 1: I agree. Okay then, I’ll leave. I have a pending assignment to complete. I’ll see you in the evening.

Friend 2: Yes, I’ll see you in the evening too!


  • ‘Cases are dropping is referred to the decrease in Covid-19 cases after people are getting vaccinated.
  • The word ‘hoarding’ means to store during a panic situation – referred in this conversation.

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