Widening your vocabulary horizons take time and it just does not happen in a day; constant efforts are needed. Based on your comprehension level, the mentioned apps will provide you knowledge that will match your requirement! Dedication and practicing is what you will have to follow as you will receive daily reminders to stay connected and you will also receive motivational messages. This will be done to keep you interested and enthusiastic in being regular to learn English vocabulary.

3 apps to help you widen your English vocabulary horizons,
You can download this app on IOS as well as any android device. You will be tested by the app for vocabulary. This app will give you a few letters as clues and you will have to put them in order to create a new word. Apart from this, you will also have to connect those words a to create a final solution. With this app, you can also sharpen the problem-solving skills,
You can download this app on IOS and Android devices and it gives you a similar experience like playing scrabble. If you play regularly through this app, you will encounter new words daily that will tremendously increase your vocabulary horizons. The app also gives you weekly challenges to get your excitement levels even higher.
You can download this app on IOS and Android devices. This app is especially built for the ones who make spelling mistakes and for the ones who like to learn difficult words. In this game, you will have to use the last letters of the opponent’s words in order to form a new word. As the difficulty level in this game varies, you can also challenge your partners in the game. This app forces you to think and come up with the correct word.