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Figures Of Speech


What are Figures of Speech?

Figures of Speech are the words that are created to add creativity and a dramatic effect.

12 Figures of Speech


A Simile is a type of metaphor that is used to compare two different things with the help of words such as ‘like’ or ‘as’. The purpose of using a Simile is to describe one thing to another with the help of comparison.


Metaphors are a form of figurative language which relates to words or expressions having a different meaning than their actual definition.


Onomatopoeia is a word that is formed through a sound. It is an attempt to capture the sound of something.


The function of Hyperbole is to make extreme exaggeration to make a point and simultaneously, to emphasize something.


Personification speaks about inanimate objects as well as abstract notions as if they have life and intelligence.


This figure of speech is a special kind of Personification as ‘Apostrophe‘ directly addresses to the dead, something that is absent and also to a personified object or an idea.


Euphemism is where you tell something that is disagreeable in an agreeable way. On the other hand, some Euphemisms also amuse.


Antithesis consists of words that involve contradictory thoughts, ideas, and sentences that have a balanced structure of grammar.


Oxymoron can be called a special type of Antithesis wherein there are two contradictory ideas that are predicted in a single statement at the same time.


Epigrams are certain words that bring out antithetical ideas in the minds of the readers. With this, Epigrams grabs the attention of the reader and it surprises with those ideas.


The irony is a mode of speech wherein the actual meaning is totally opposite of the meaning that is conveyed.


In the case of Sunechdoches, a part of the sentence is given to the whole sentence or vice versa. Eg: “Give us this day our daily bread.” Here, we are talking of food.