In a sentence, any object is a sentence. In a sentence, the prime focus of the subject will be the ‘what’ and ‘whom’. As the first part of the sentence is called as the Subject, the second part is called “Predicate”. A sentences’ part that tells us about a particular person or any thing is termed as the ‘Subject’ of that particular sentence. Remember that it is only an object that a subject can be like a noun or a pronoun.
3 Types of Subject are:
– Simple Subject
Talks only about the subject.
– Complete Subject
Is a Subject with a modifier.
– Compound Subject
More than two subjects attached with the help of a conjunction.
Examples of Subject
- The woman in the black pants saved the child.
- Shut up! (You is the subject)
- Janice and her sister always fight.
It is simple to understand a predicate as it is nothing but a part of the sentence that talks more about the subject. The predicate also consist of verbs that tell us what the subject is doing.
3 Types of Predicate are:
– Simple Predicate
Only verb
– Complete Predicate
Has a verb along with a modifier
– Compound Predicate
Has more than two verbs along with a conjunction.
Examples of Predicate
- The woman in the black pants saved the child.
- Shut up!
- Janice and her sister always fight.